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Why shop independent? 7 reasons to shop small.

Need Some Inspiration?

It’s more important than ever to support small businesses.

Why shop independent? We could give you a million reasons to shop from independent small businesses and support local trade. So many big brands reap in a disproportionately large chunk of the country’s wealth, often treat their staff unfairly or care more about their profit margins than their products (or staff!), and the products themselves are mass-produced and sourced from who knows where. 

Aside from this, during the Coronavirus pandemic many smaller businesses have struggled and don’t have the financial power of big brands to support themselves or regain what they lost during such financial turbulence.

Whether you’re shopping at markets (now they are open again) or online, here are our top 7 reasons to shop independent: 

  1. You’re keeping artisan crafts alive 

Who wants another belt mass-made in a factory in China, or cheaply produced jewellery that turns your ears green? 

There are a host of talented silver-smiths out there, such as Bethan Corin, Myleti Jewellery, The Keepsake and who create beautiful, unique and timeless jewellery. Stallholders like Ivy + Ginger create sustainable jewellery that is just as gorgeous too.

Clothing from the likes of Dwdl Designs and Amos Designs is also far likelier to reflect your unique personality than mass-produced Primark wares. There’s even excellent outdoor wear from indie businesses – check out Chester-based Junkbox for example.

Children’s clothing from stallholders such as Pickbu, Little Acorn Makes and Nola-Rosa Handmade is also better for your little ones!

Leather goods from Orgill Originals, Ashfields Leather or Morgan + Wells will stand the test of time and have been hand-crafted by true artists. 

Next time you want or need something new, look at what independent traders near you are selling first. Learning a craft takes time, and it’s important to value this and support the creative community to keep our traditions alive. 

2. You directly support both your local economy and the British economy 

We all know that the British economy is struggling given recent events. One way you can do your bit to help is by shopping from independent businesses. If you shop from a business in your local area, that money is going back into your local community, and the British economy. In turn, those independent businesses will also spend their money in the local area. 

Instead of buying your homeware from a supermarket, consider buying it from an independent small business. We have many stallholders offering ceramics and earthenware, such as Amber Lion, Denise O’Sullivan Ceramics, KateCooke Ceramics and Rachel Carpenter Ceramics.

We’re all using so much handwash at the moment, buying soap and beauty products from the likes of Wriggly Tin Soap Co., Goap, Lily & Rabbit or Hog & Tallow is far better for your skin and supports a small business too. 

3. You get to know the entire history of a product 

When you chat to a stallholder at market, they can tell you exactly about the making and designing process, exactly where materials are sourced from and the ingredients that go into products. This product knowledge is invaluable, and something you just can’t get from big stores. 

Most of Pedddle’s stallholders can tell you everything about the history of each item they produce. Stallholders such as Salty Seas and Fallow Moon can tell you everything about their making process and where they source their materials, as can so many of our glass and jewellery sellers, such as Jess Withington.

Our Meet the Maker blog also goes behind-the-scenes so you can find out more about all of our stallholders. 

4. You’re helping to keep someone’s dream alive 

For so many of Pedddle’s stallholders, their small independent business is their passion, or a life-long dream. They truly love what they sell, and it’s an amazing feeling to be able to buy a product entirely made with love, and support someone else’s dream. Our recent Meet the Maker blog explores this further. 

5. Every single sale is appreciated 

“When you buy from a small business, an actual person does a happy dance”. We actually cannot express enough how true this phrase is! 

Our range of stallholders often do everything within their small business, from dreaming up an idea, designing and making it to sourcing materials, to booking markets, transporting goods to market, juggling their finances and finalising sales. They really do appreciate every single sale made, every ‘like’ and share on social media, and every single bit of positive feedback, as recognition of all their hard work that goes into their business. 

Our stallholders such as Nova & Me and The Adorned Page (pictured below) have some amazing quotes on this. They also have lots of positive and inspiring artwork, so be sure to check them out!

6. The customer service is second to none

Independent stallholders give you a personal service that you just can’t get from big brands. Not only can they tell you everything about a product’s history and the making process, but they will often gift wrap it and include a personalised note so you know it’s been posted with love. Daffodowndilly is just one of many stallholders who do this brilliantly.

7. You can see exactly who’s made your product 

It’s amazing to be able to meet the person who’s made your product, and get to know their personality too. So many stallholders love giving an insight into their life and what they do, and it’s great to be a part of that. 

The creative community is endlessly welcoming and supportive, so it’s a joy to be able to support these creatives in return.

We love reading more about the likes of Lazy Creative and Pen & Gwyn – our Meet the Maker blog lets you get to know them even better!

Shop Small. Shop Local. Shop Independent.