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Valentines Gift Guide 2025

Featured | Need Some Inspiration?

Discover the perfect Valentines Day Gift from our Pedddle stallholders.

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and love is in the air! Finding a gift that truly shows how much you care can be a joyful challenge. This year, why not skip the generic and opt for unique, meaningful treasures from a small UK business? We’ve put together this guide packed with the perfect Valentines gifts, all from our Pedddle’s talented stallholders.

These matching half-heart keyrings by Morgan + Wells are a sweet way to stay connected. Perfect for sharing with someone special!

The ‘Sending Love’ Coral Linocut Print by Mandy Benton Printmaker adds a touch of warmth and charm, making it a lovely piece to display in your home or to gift as a meaningful reminder.

This mosaic heart kit by Mom’s Mosaics is a thoughtful choice – whether you’re giving it to someone who loves to get crafty, or if you want to have a go yourself so that you can gift a handmade decoration, made with love.

We hope you’ve enjoyed browsing through this gift guide! Whatever you choose, we know that supporting independent makers on Pedddle ensures that your Valentine’s Day presents are filled with love, creativity, and craftsmanship. Celebrate love in all its forms and make your loved ones feel truly special.

Happy Valentine’s Day!