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Colourful enamel jewellery and gifts to brighten your day and help you feel empowered

Colourful enamel jewellery by iamrachelColourful enamel jewellery by iamrachelEnamel on Copper Red Mushrooms with white spotsGeometric Earrings EnamelOrange Enamel Earrings
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Who we are

Rachel designs and creates colourful enamel jewellery and gifts from her home studio in Somerset. She works with bold geometric shapes to make eye catching pieces which make the wearer feel positive and empowered.

A love of nature and the world around us inspires Rachel’s choice of vibrant colours. Bold Scandinavian patterns are also an influence, as well as the playful illustrations of Dick Bruna & Eric Carle.

Sustainability is important to Rachel, so each piece is made to last for generations. They are enamelled both front and back and all chains and fastenings are 925 sterling silver.
The simple block designs and reflective quality of enamel mean they are very versatile, perfect for any lover of bright bold accessories and wearable art.

Rachel’s creations have reached a global audience and she now sells to customers in the US, Australia, the Netherlands and many other countries.

Contact iamrachelshop

Located in Bridgwater