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Naila Ahmad LONDON


I create from my imagination, design from inspiration and innovate with revelation.

mustard eye pillow hand ade mandala designmustard eye pillow hand ade mandala designmustard lavender filled sachet hangable with a loop purple mandala designblack shawl hand printed with gold mandala designsQuilted patchwork Tote bag by Naila Ahmad Londonlittle soldiers print on lavender sachets,purse with yellow hearts
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Who we are

Hello there, my name is Naila, I am a London based textile artist since 2016. I love playing with colours and coming up with new designs. I use the traditional craft of printing with wooden blocks and self carved lino stamps for my London prints. Block by block I create slow fashion clothing, accessories and lavender self care products.

Contact Naila Ahmad LONDON

Located in London