You’re about to head off to market and set up your very own stall, but you’re feeling a little overwhelmed or unsure of what you need to take with you. There’s always so much to remember! But don’t worry – we are here to help. This is Your Market Checklist – everything you’ll need to take to market.
Check out our other articles about starting up and having a stall too; ‘Starting my own business’ and ‘Having a stall‘ – that last blog covers pretty much everything! Our blog on beating the cold at markets may also come in handy for Autumn and Winter events.
With everything that small business owners have to think of, it is hard to keep a clear head and remember exactly what you need to pack for a market, and what just might come in handy. To make it a little easier, we have created some checklists for you below. They are a great guideline, and of course you can use them as a basis for your own market checklist if you wish.
The three checklists below are grouped in order of importance; the essentials that you will need for every in-person market, extra things that are nice to have if you can squeeze them in, and things to pack ‘just in case’ – you never know when you’ll need to make a note of something, fix a wonky table stall, or better prepare for a windy day. Let’s face it – the British weather elements are usually against us!