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Beating the Cold

Traders- Hints & Tips

A few tips and trade secrets for stallholders!

Tim Reedy's stall at Hoe St Market

When you can’t just jump in a hot tub!

Not that jumping in a hot tub is everyone’s favourite pastime but when you are colder than you have ever been, stood for hours at a stall, it might feel like the only answer! Outdoor markets can feel even colder than you’d think when you’re standing still for hours. 

When it’s 1 or 2 degrees and common sense would say to move around, keep walking, get a hot drink ~ but when you are trapped behind your stall you can’t just walk away and get a hot drink or go inside to warm up. Here are a few tips for stallholders, from those willing to share their trade secrets.

Thermal Insoles:

These are thermal with sheepskin insoles/shoe liners. You would have to have a pair of boots with ample room, but these are that good they should be sold with your stall, apparently! There are a huge variety of choice but we found these on Amazon, click here to see. 

It’s always a good idea to wear walking boots or similar – something sturdy and comfortable so you’re happy being on your feet all day. 

Hot Rox:

HotRox are little electronic hand warmers for those that haven’t heard of them and they do have pretty good reviews on Amazon. Keep the batteries topped up and you should be fine. Simply hold them in your hands and avoid losing a finger or two! Click here to link to Hot Rox.

There are plenty of alternatives on the market. You could even take a hot water bottle but these do go cold quickly outdoors – it’s just a good idea to grasp any warmth you can!

Natural fibres:

Pedddle founder Nicki bought a pair of Alpaca wool/hair socks for a trip to South America and highly recommends these natural fibres for keeping warm. This can extend to any item of clothing made from natural fibres – wool jumpers are always a good idea for keeping warm outdoors. Whilst we wouldn’t suggest them as an under garment (as they would be far too itchy), a jumper made from natural fibres definitely retains more of your own body heat and will assist in avoiding heat loss for at least a few hours.

Yoga Mat:

We’re not going to suggest practicing yoga mid–market (although it might help you avoid stress!), but putting a mat on the floor at the back of your stall is essential. It helps to provide insulation between the ground and your feet and it does really work. Once the icy temperature of the floor begins to radiate through to your body, it keeps working its way up and you’ll be cold all day. The barrier of the mat (or something equally insulating – an old piece of carpet could also work, a piece of foam of polysterene even) is such a good tool to slow the chilling process.

Food & Drink

Be prepared and take plenty to eat from home. There are two benefits to this – you don’t spend all your profits on food but also a well fuelled body stays warm better! Taking a thermal flask with a hot drink or soup in is super important to help keep your internal temperature up throughout the day too.

Beating the cold is essential if you are to have a good market and enjoy it! It helps you to keep focused and on your best form all day.

We hope you have found these tips useful and if you have any more to add, please let us know we will happily share them. Only a few more months until summer! Happy trading.

Click here to view our market checklist, with useful lists to check what you need to take to market!