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Promote your business on Pedddle

We can help you to shout out about your markets and stalls. We love small businesses.

We all love stats, so here are some and our benefits…

Something we love and our USP

Better than just a directory, our USP is that stallholders can check-in to a market once accepted by the organisers. 

This enables some really good cross-promotion. The stallholder is listed on the market page and the market is listed on the stallholder page. Great for SEO as business names are mentioned on lots of pages both ways.

It really supports our stallholders particularly as customers can easily remember which markets they went to but it’s more tricky to remember business names of the stalls.

In case you missed them: Market visitors can click on a market page after an event and see who traded at that market for up to 6 months afterwards. 🙌