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What is a market check-in and why is it so good?

At the Market | Featured | Traders- Hints & Tips

Check-in to Pedddle’s markets and boost your online visibility and SEO!

Keep seeing us mention ‘check-in’ at markets and want to know what it is all about?

Well, we are more than happy to share because it’s Pedddle’s USP! It’s what makes Pedddle a really unique online directory.

What is a market check-in?

As you know, Pedddle is a directory of markets and stallholders. Our markets have a market page and our stallholders have a stall page. These are individual business listings on our website. They tell customers about events or businesses with links to social media and websites, and stallholders can also links to the products in their online stores.

When a stallholder checks-in to a market, their business name appears on that market page.

The process of checking-in only takes a few seconds to do – we’ll show you how below.

We know, it’s such a fab feature! We want to make our stallholders are super visible to all.

If you check-in to a Pedddle market, you’ll show up higher in searches and customers can find you on our markets pages for up to 6 months after the event takes place!

For market organisers, it’s also a great benefit, because when a stallholder checks-in to the market, the market page falls on the stallholders page in return. This helps the market be more visible too, with a broader digital footprint. Check out this image on the right – so many upcoming markets!

Cross-promotion is a wonderful tool and one we utilise a lot here at Pedddle.

FYI – you should only check-in to a market if you are trading at that market, as agreed by the market organisers. This function does not replace a booking system.

How Pedddle can help you

Want to become a Pedddle Stallholder so you can check-in to markets? Click here to see how to join us, and all of the other great benefits you’ll get!

Here’s some nitty gritty stuff that shows you are really helping your business by checking in – when a customer searches on Google (or another search engine) for that business, because they checked-in at a market they are listed on multiple pages on Pedddle, therefore they have a broad digital footprint and therefore are building better SEO. So, it’s well worth checking-in to all of the markets that you’re selling at!

Click here to find out more about Pedddle.

Have you heard of our sister website, Tresstle? As a small business owner, it could help you!

Click here to find out more about Tresstle.