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Christmas Shopping Evening at Thirsk Lodge Barns

Thursday 28th November 2024York, YO7 4DB

The Christmas Shopping Evening at Thirsk Lodge Barns offers unique shopping opportunities this festive season.

Morgan + Wells, Heidi leather purse clutch, PedddleMorgan + Wells, Heidi leather purse clutch, PedddleMorgan + Wells, Constantine leather cuff, Pedddle


Thirsk Lodge Barns, Thirsk, York, Yorkshire
Thursday 28th November 2024
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Next Markets
Markets in
York , Yorkshire

Christmas Shopping Evening at Thirsk Lodge Barns offers you a chance to shop from 30 local artisans.

Festive food is available, including raclette, wood-fired pizzas and waffles, and the bar will be open too.

Entrance fee £5, with proceeds going to a chosen charity.

Please contact the organisers directly for full details of this event.

Our stallholders at the next market

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.