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National Creative Market Day – Why is cultivating entrepreneurial spirit important?


Join NCMD on Saturday 5th October 2024!

National Creative Market Day - Why is cultivating entrepreneurial spirit important?

What is National Creative Market Day?

NCMD is just the start of our plan to celebrate and highlight the incredible the creativity within Britain right now, cultivating entrepreneurial spirit for the future too – and it begins at artisan markets.

NCMD is about raising awareness for the entire market community, from making people aware of fantastic markets near where they live and across the UK, to speaking to event organisers about their future market plans and how they are helping fellow small businesses, to chatting with a wide variety of creatives and entrepreneurs and looking to see how we can further support them and help them grow the future of Britain.

We are uniting the creatives of Britain, and helping fulfil entrepreneur’s visions, dreams and aspirations for a better economy. 

Why is cultivating entrepreneurial spirit important?

At Pedddle, we have proven ourselves to passionately support creative entrepreneurs; our team is built with creative staff who are also artists, artisans and market stallholders themselves. Creativity is our passion and our lifeblood. 

Creativity is a key element of being an entrepreneur; entrepreneurs are self motivated, they think creatively for solutions to gaps in industry, they continuously work to fulfil their potential, they ‘think outside the box’ for more creative answers. They spur wider transformation as a result.

In terms of economic, social, sustainable, and even technological development, creativity allows us to express ourselves, seek solutions and solve problems, leading to further innovation in all areas of business and social development. Creativity, therefore, is essential to improving our world. And it can all begin with markets. 

The more we support entrepreneurs in the UK, and the marketplaces for them to sell at, the more we can generate economic, social and fiscal strength and growth, in multiple ways.

Famous examples of entrepreneurs that began with market selling

There’s a huge stack of examples of entrepreneurs that began their careers with selling at markets. Famous names like Sir Alan Sugar and even the founders of M&S first worked selling bric-a-brac at markets ; now titans of industry. The likes of Susie Ma, Jo Malone and Levi Roots have each created their very own products, and have continued to scale their businesses over many years.

The market spectrum is broad, and markets of all kinds exist, from food markets to Farmers’ Markets to handmade markets or bric-a-brac ones. Here are Pedddle we focus more on artisan markets than directly the sales side; handmade, beautifully-made artisan goods, with passion and creativity imbued in the products themselves.

If you’re also passionate about supporting this cause, and you’d like to join the Pedddle movement, click here for more information on how we can help you in future. In the meantime, tune into our Instagram page @PedddleUK on Saturday 5th October to help us raise awareness!

Many famous, creative entrepreneurs have built their brands from the ground up at markets, and remain a success today. Today’s stallholders and creative entrepreneurs are certainly in good company!

In Summary

Creativity is shaped and inspired by diversity. Britain’s markets are brilliant because of their cultural and creative diversity, and we want to keep them thriving as welcoming spaces for everyone, for many years to come. 

Cultivating entrepreneurial spirit is a huge part of this, as we raise current and future entrepreneurs to help shape the future of this industry and create a diverse, welcoming landscape, where everyone has the opportunity to succeed in business, and keep Britain’s economy strong.

Tune into our Instagram page @PedddleUK on Saturday 5th October to discuss all of the above, cultivating entrepreneurial spirit for the future, and discover plenty of other reasons to celebrate the market community!