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National Creative Market Day 2024

Good News Stories

What is NCMD? Here’s what it means and why it’s important…

National Creative Market Day, NCMD, Pedddle.

Pop this date in your diary and tell all your friends – we’re launching National Creative Market Day (NCMD) on 5th October 2024! National Creative Market Day 2024 is the inception of our very first dedicated market awareness day.

What is National Creative Market Day?

Simply – it’s an awareness day where the whole market community unite to celebrate the market industry. We are working together to make some noise and gather peoples attention about markets/events around the UK to encourage others to visit and shop locally. Keep reading!

We love bringing the creative community together! And it’s important to work together #communityovercompetition

It’s one day to ‘give’ to your community to shout about your markets and fellow traders and we want as many people to take part as possible.

Assets for everyone!

How can I get involved in National Creative Market Day 2024?

Be part of the change! We are welcoming everyone to get involved.

Organisers & Stallholders

Share a graphic using our templates and pin it to your grid – be clear on social media you are supporting it.

Put the NCMD sticker graphics from our images or search GIF’s by typing in ‘Pedddle’ and access the GIF version!

Add it to your social profile – I’m celebrating NCMD!

Put a link in your bio to a blog – either ours here or write one yourself to explain why NCMD is so important to our industry.

Create a reel about all your markets and tell us why you love them – whether you organise them or trade at them.

Do some IG lives with other makers/organisers to chat about this event and anything related to markets!!

Collaborate!! Honestly such a great way to reach more people – ask one another (organisers and stallholders) to collab on a post! Jointly create the content, one posts it and selects tag (add collaborator) and you both have it on your grid!

Send out an email to your audience about the NCMD – make a NCMD offer and encourage sales on the back of it – heck yes!

Use hashtags #NCMD and #Nationalcreativemarketday #Pedddleuk


Tell your friends and family that you love to visit markets and share any of the graphics you like!

Visit a market on this day – if there is one nearby.

Use hashtags #NCMD and #Nationalcreativemarketday #Pedddleuk

There are loads of ideas here but you might have more ideas to give!

We have offered multiple marketing materials and assets for them to do this. You can help us spread the word too, whether you post about it on your socials, create a blog, tell your friends, visit a market or shop small – it’s a real community effort in every way.

In turn, this will help many different shoppers discover new local markets across the country, encouraging them to support their local stallholders and in turn their own local economies. Shopping small truly benefits us all!

Look out for our upcoming blogs on the 3 pillars of this awareness day, as we are celebrating market heritage, cultivating entrepreneurial spirit and helping local economies and explaining exactly how these things will benefit the great British public – and it all begins with NCMD.

We’ll also be posting lots about NCMD on our Instagram page, so look out for IG Lives, posts and Stories where we’ll be including lots of fun, facts and brilliant businesses you need to know about.

We’d love you to join us in celebrating these things, and ensuring that British markets remain as welcoming, friendly hubs of our local communities for many years to come.

What makes Creative Markets so important?

Creativity is shaped and inspired by diversity. Britain’s markets are brilliant because of their cultural and creative diversity, and we want to keep them growing as welcoming spaces for everyone, for many years to come.

In terms of economic, social, sustainable, and perhaps even technological development, creativity allows us to express ourselves, seek solutions and solve problems, leading to further innovation. Creativity, therefore, is essential to improving our world. 

Creative markets are therefore the ideal place to inspire creativity, as a visitor, customer or entrepreneur.

What is Pedddle?

Here at Pedddle, we offer an online directory of markets and their stallholders, from across the UK; promoting markets is both our passion and our aim. As well as our publicly-available directory, we offer a private subscription service, to help both markets and their stallholders maintain and grow their businesses in new ways.

We are re-imagining markets, helping traditional events to be discovered online, whilst encouraging shoppers to visit them in person and help them thrive.

We provide connection, linking our own creativity, authority, and expertise with other businesses, and cultivating connection between them too.

With markets being our bread and butter, we are endlessly considering innovative ways in which to promote artisan markets throughout our beautiful country. We want to shout about the amazing events you can find in the UK, and the many ways that visiting them can benefit everybody. Our latest efforts to do this have culminated in NCMD, and we’d love you to join in too!