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Why Pedddle is the Best Place to List your Market

Pedddle is the go-to directory for independent, creative markets and stallholders—helping customers and traders find your events with ease. More exposure, more connections, more visitors to your market!

Why pedddle is the best place to list your market - image of a market with navy gazebos and customers.

The Best Place to List Your Market!

We’re bringing the market community together—connecting organisers, stallholders, and customers to create a seamless experience, from online discovery to in-person visits.

Why Pedddle?

We make it easy for people to find creative markets, driving awareness and boosting event visibility. In 2024, nearly 400,000 visitors explored our site, with 780,000+ page views—and we’re aiming to double that in 2025!

64% of our traffic comes from customers actively looking for markets to visit!

How Organisers Benefit

Want to get your market in front of more people? The right people? Listing on Pedddle helps increase visibility and attract both customers and stallholders.

Getting Started is Simple:

1️⃣ Register for a one-time £10 fee
2️⃣ We review your application (We’re a curated platform, ensuring a high-quality directory)
3️⃣ Once accepted, you can list your market(s)! Check pricing options below

Need more info? Drop us an email at or DM us on Instagram @pedddleuk. Let’s grow your market together!

Why Advertising with Pedddle is a Smart Move

Our visitors are actively searching for artisan and local events—meaning your market is seen by the right people at the right time!

✅ Unbeatable Value – Markets see a 1p-3p cost per click and page view, giving you better ROI than Facebook ads!

✅ Reach More Stallholders – Traders use Pedddle to find events—so why not let them come to you?

✅ Boost Visibility – Stallholders can check in to your event, making your market visible on their pages while they appear on yours—helping both of you get discovered!

✅ Stronger SEO – Pedddle’s site is SEO-optimised, meaning listing with us doesn’t just promote your event—it also helps boost your own website’s ranking!