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Why list events early? We have 8 great reasons

General | Organisers Info

This is to any website – not just Pedddle! Listings events early is a Game-Changer for SEO and your Audience Reach.

FOLK & BESPOKE stallholders at Folk & Bespoke Artisan Craft Market at Firstsite, Colchester

In today’s digital age, establishing a strong online presence to support the physical presence is super smart for businesses like yours! When you’re running markets and events, it’s vital to list events early and give them time to gain a following online.

One of the most effective strategies to achieve this is by adding events to websites (like ours) early on. Not only does this benefit your search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts, but it also significantly enhances your audience reach as the page strength develops.

We regularly see people adding events less than a month before they happen – don’t be the latecomer to your own party! The sooner you get the information ‘out there’ on websites, on Google, FB events etc, the better for visibility where both customers and stallholders can find them. We can share it on your behalf, your stallholders can share too!

When you list an event on Pedddle, we share the dates you share with us in Google search, which makes it extra helpful for customers when searching for your events as they can see a list of your next 4 dates too! Get that SEO juice going. Plus, if you have an event or more specifically specialist market, and you know that your customers are likely to be our customers then jump on board. Google loves to see you connecting with relevant companies but also – we have done lots of the work for you and are finding your ideal customers and bringing them together. Want to list your event – register here.

Here’s a little more info on why it’s great to list events early on the internet!

1. Boosting SEO from the Outset

Search engines love fresh and relevant content. By adding events early to a website, you create an opportunity to populate it with valuable and up-to-date information regularly. Search engine algorithms recognise this consistency and reward it with improved search rankings. Each event you add presents a new chance for that page on the website to be indexed, crawled, and ranked higher in search engine results pages.

2. Increasing Website Visibility

When you add events to your website early, you expand its footprint on the internet. As you publish content related to your upcoming events, your website becomes more discoverable by users searching for similar or related topics.

This heightened visibility leads to an increase in organic traffic as more people find and visit your website. As your audience grows, so does the potential for conversions, be it signing up for events, purchasing tickets, or engaging with your brand.

However, if you DON’T have your own website, which many of our organisers do not, then you can use Pedddle as a mini website to list all your events. A market organisers page houses all the info they would want to share about themselves and the events they run and with clickable links to all the markets they offer, it provides all the info both stallholders and customers would need.

3. Enhancing User Engagement

Adding events onto our website early on engages your audience with timely and relevant information. Whether you’re organising workshops, webinars, or markets, having these details readily available entices visitors to return to our site regularly. Engaged users are more likely to explore other events you offer, subscribe to your newsletter, and follow your social media channels, resulting in a stronger online community. All of which Pedddle allows customers to do from your pages.

4. Establishing Authority and Credibility

Hosting events and showcasing them on our website (plus others) demonstrates your desire to host a successful market, as stallholders can see you are promoting the event effectively. Visitors can also see your commitment to organising valuable events, they are more likely to perceive you as a credible organiser. This positive reputation builds trust and loyalty among your audience, attracting potential participants/stallholders and even collaborators/sponsors.

5. Harnessing Social Sharing Potential

Listing events early on also allows you to maximise the power of social media. As you promote your upcoming events on various platforms, interested users can easily share event details, links, and information with their friends and wider network – and you should actively encourage them to share too! This organic sharing exponentially increases your reach, potentially drawing in participants who may not have discovered your event otherwise.

6. Early Registration and Planning

By adding events to our website early, you give your audience ample time to sign up for them but also plan to visit them. Early planning is particularly crucial for large-scale events that require attendees to make travel arrangements or even take time off work. The more time you provide, the more likely you are to attract stallholders/customers from different locations.

7. Improving Event Marketing Efforts

When events are added to our website early in the planning stages, it opens the door for more robust and effective event marketing campaigns. You can utilise various marketing channels, such as email newsletters, social media, content marketing and paid advertising to drive awareness. The earlier you start, the better you can tailor your marketing strategies to suit your audience’s preferences. And the earlier you register it the earlier we can support you and plan it in our marketing strategies too.

8. Checking in on Pedddle

This is hyper-specific to Pedddle, but once your markets are listed with us and you accept your stallholders for a market, this allows the stallholder to check-in on your market page. This is our USP over any other directory that shares events in the UK. It allows customers to find stallholders for up to 6 months after they have traded with you.

Also before your market happens, your market page link will appear on the stallholders page too further increasing the reach. If you can gather many of your stallholders to join Pedddle and check in you build a real community of businesses and offer value to your customers.

Just to summarise…

In conclusion, adding events to the internet as a whole including our website early is a strategic move with far-reaching benefits. From enhancing SEO to expanding your audience reach, the advantages are clear.

By leveraging the power of early event interaction, you position yourself for success, establishing a strong online presence and maximising the potential for increased engagement, visibility, and business growth. So, start adding events to our website today and watch your digital presence soar to new heights! Register now if you haven’t already.