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Top 5 ideas to make your stall memorable

Traders- Hints & Tips | Featured

Create a stand-out stall with our tips!

Markets can be busy places. In a sea of market traders, how can you make your stall memorable and attractive to market visitors and passers buy?

Here are our Top 5 ideas to make your stall memorable:

1. Make Your Stall Memorable with a Prize Draw

This is a great way to draw people in, you can use it help drive purchases and even sign up to your email newsletter!

Why not consider hosting a monthly prize draw, that everyone who’s purchased from you that month gets automatically entered into? Or you could enter everyone that signs up to your newsletter.

There are many ways you could run a Prize Draw and offer different incentives or benefits – it’s a great incentive for market visitors to purchase from you on the day, and remember you in future too. Work it to your advantage!

2. A Tombola or Lucky Dip

A tombola draw or lucky dip box for a small item is a fun way to draw in the crowds, and that in itself can make your stall memorable. People remember having fun! Let your imagination run wild with this one. It’s fun, interactive, and will start a conversation with potential customers. It’s a good way to sell those smaller items or end-of-lines too!

Pictured left below is the fabulous Liz Harry’s ’Lucky Loot’ lucky dip box – for £10 you get a lucky dip token, and get a little surprise!

3. A Sales Tracker

Track your sales out loud! Many people are scared of doing this, of advertising how many sales they’re making. But it’s not a bad thing! In fact, you can use it to incentivise customers, such as offering a free prize for your 50th sale. Pedddle Founder Nicki spoke to Emily from Emily Harvey Art recently, exploring this idea further. Click here to read about their chat on growing sales confidence and defining multiple income streams.

Emily has also created a FREE sales tracker to help you with this – click here to download yours.

You could add a sticker to your chart for each sale, or get customers to sign their name or write their email address on it for each sale – which could also be a great way to grow your mailing list.

4. Style Your Stall

It’s all about stall styling! Make your products clear and make them stand out. Have a big version of one of your best sellers at the front to grab attention! Make your business name clear, and make it easy to browse what’s for sale and how much things are.

What about your business name sign or banner? Check out this blog for ideas.

The stall set-ups pictured below are great examples.

5. Unique Hooks

Hook your customers in with an activity that they can get involved in. Think about a colouring challenge or even a knitting challenge! The possibilities are endless.

You could also offer free personalisation (see below left image) – so that your customers could get a personalised item then and there, if they purchase on market day.

Pedddle can help you to offer exclusive market day offers to your customers – see how our QR code system works.

Stand-out Stalls

Making your stall memorable is THE key thing to do. Keep people standing there and chatting with you, engage them with fun interactions and activities, and make it your focus to convert those customers into social media followers and email list members, as well as purchasers. This way, even if they don’t buy on market day, they will remember you for future purchases.

If you have a Pedddle board, you can ask customers to scan your QR code and favourite your stall, so that they can easily find you, and which market you’re selling at, in future. Click here to see how it works.

Want to read more tips to help your creative business thrive? Check out our other blogs…