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The Creative Business Directory

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How you can find creative markets, creative stallholders and lots of lovely creative businesses!

Yellow Pedddle board on a stall

Did you know that Pedddle is a creative business directory?

We list businesses that mostly trade at markets and are definitely super creative in their makes! We love to promote creativity and support other businesses that share our ethos.

Primarily an online directory to help you find markets and their stallholders, we support creative businesses in a variety of ways, with useful blogs and social media support, tips and IG Live interviews, SEO and more.

Here’s what being a creative business directory means to us…

Why are directories so useful?

They are great to help people find a business BUT what’s great about Pedddle is that you can have your business listing as a creative business/stallholder, but also you can check-in at markets that you’re selling at, so people can find you before, during or after a market too! Click here to see how it works.

As Hubspot clearly outlines, “A business directory is an online list of businesses within a particular niche, location, or category. One way local businesses can get found by online searchers is through inclusion in business directories.

Pedddle is a niche within the market/trading industry and listing your business on a directory like ours, to help customers find you, is such a great way to increase your visibility. We have customers looking for markets to visit or maybe markets they have visited before, and if your business is checked-into these markets then you are there for potential customers to see you.

Making sure you are seen

By their very nature, markets are both pop-ups and mobile, meaning that they are not there all of the time – which instantly makes them harder to be found and noticed. As a stallholder that trades at these markets (and might be there some weeks but not others), this further increases your difficulty in being found and recognised as a business.

Listing your business with a creative business directory like Pedddle and checking into those markets makes for an increased ‘chance’ of your business being found by potential customers.

We’re so pleased with our creative business directory because it’s functionality is tailored specifically for the market and stallholder community, and helps out everyone involved.

When a stallholder checks-in to a market, their business appears on that Pedddle market page for 6 months after the event AND the market appears on the stallholder’s page in return – making you twice as visible.

Want to be found by more customers?

If you’d love to register your business on our creative business directory, Pedddle, apply here👇