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Little Hummingbird Events

Who we are

Owner & founder - Nicola Hudson is a Yorkshire businesswoman with a good history of event management under her belt and a passion for championing small independent and local businesses. A retired Lawyer, Nicola resides in South Yorkshire with her husband and Great Dane, Macy. Little Hummingbird Events is expanding and with that comes new areas of work, so whilst starting out in South Yorkshire the trade has now moved into North, West and East of Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and more. With an unprecedented period of growth the company is now focusing on getting small independents the audiences they require to sell their produce in a variety of different ways, platforms, areas and options. From Makers & Creators Markets, festivals, corporate type events, private events, public, charity and community events there is an option to suit all. The company work closely with local councils and their specific regenerative projects and bring people together in all kinds of ways. Some of the initiatives come at no cost. There will also soon be the launch of The Hummingbird Collective in a shopping centre in Wakefield which will be a shop hosting a platform for makers and creators to hire space and sell from a shop with a 7 day audience and a longer time window of trade. Little Hummingbird have created a Trader Family of hundreds of loyal following who make the difference to the world of eventing. They all help each other, offer support and advise and generally work together as a giant creative cohort. New time makers and first timers in eventing are welcome and shown the ropes, given help and training on all that is required to host a good trading day. They have built an excellent team of people with a ground team who ensure that traders are assisted with set up, parking, de rig and everything in between and are currently expanding their team of ‘internal’ staff as the business grows. It is this friendly, honest and helpful approach to trading and business that has earned the Little Hummingbird Events team a good reputation within the industry and with traders. They welcome new enquiries, and nervous first timers where your hand will be held until you are shown the ropes to fly solo - they will budy you up at market with an experienced trader who can show you the ropes. They apply no favouritism and have very strict rules but those rules have made them the success they are today. Lots of new projects are underway and plans to diversify into new areas are in the making, so keep following social media to stay up to date with all that’s going on. They are always on the lookout for new and exciting forums to trade from and work with so please do get in touch if you are looking for a project. partner or have recommendations for new sites. A chat in confidence can always be had with Nicola who is available 24/7 by email and social media platforms.

Future Events