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What do the different memberships look like for organisers?

Organisers Info

An insight into the different digital promo you receive as a market organiser on the market subscriptions packages.

We love welcoming new organisers to Pedddle, and we want to be really clear on exactly where you will see your markets shared, with each of our organiser subscription packages. So, what do the different memberships look like for organisers?

If you’d like to see what is included with each membership level, click here.

Premium & Enterprise Membership

If you have a Pedddle subscription at Premium or Enterprise level, we have a range of fantastic marketing benefits. We advise anyone hosting events at 4 or more venues to go for the Enterprise Package, as all future market additions are then free.
All features listed below will be accessible to Premium and Enterprise subscription package members.

Standard Membership

The benefits below also available on our Premium and Enterprise Package members.

Basic Membership

Basic membership gives you access solely to a market listing on Pedddle. This package is charged twice per year, unlike the other packages which have annual payments. This involves: