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I Do Handmade

I Do Handmade

Who we are

I’m Becky, a 30 something mama of two, from West London and I run this creative little business together with my mum Wendy. When covid landed on our doorstep in 2020, one thing we did to help encourage sales of our craft kits, was create the Shop Small Christmas Gift Catalogue. We posted it out to thousands of homes, advertising gift ideas, all sold from small businesses, including my own, encouraging people to shop small at Christmas. I loved helping other companies, I wondered about converting our catalogue into an in-person event. So in summer 2022, we hosted out first ever pop-up market in Westfield shopping centre, encouraging the nation to shop from small businesses. I absolutely loved meeting so many inspiring business owners and helping them increase exposure and sales, it’s made me want to organise more events. It’s naturally turned into a business itself, hosting in person shopping events, helping diversify the high street with products from small businesses. As a product selling business owner myself selling a range of craft kits, I know full well how hard it can be to generate a regular income and to keep the business going especially with big brands dominating the high street From my own experience I’ve found if you have a good product, selling in person can be such a beneficial way to get your stock off the shelves and into the hands of your ideal customer. I’m passionate about helping small businesses thrive and the I Do Handmade Pop-Ups will hopefully do exactly that.

Future Events

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