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Urban Makers Christmas Market at Mile End

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventMile End, E3 5TW

Urban Makers are thrilled to be back at the Ecology Pavilion Mile End Park, to host our annual festive makers’ market in 2023.

We have been championing independent makers since 2015 at our markets, in our online store and in our shop.

Gentangle-Designs, Urban Makers. Pedddle


Grove Rd, Mile End, London
E3 5TW
Various Date in 2024
Next Markets
No future dates
There is step free access.
For sustainable reasons we do not encourage you to drive to our event. There are many local bus services and the Mile End and Bethnal Green train stations are close by. There are many cycle and walking routes too through Mile End Park and Victoria Park. If you must drive you will find limited free parking in the area.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Indoor Seating Available Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in

2 Weekends
30th Nov – 1st December
14th – 15th December
11 – 5pm

We will be welcoming 50 different designers each day selling everything from Christmas gifts and decorations, homewares, jewellery, art, candles, clothing and accessories. All sustainable and ethical.


Urban Makers Feast will be back with a great selection of festive food and drink including delicious cakes, warming savoury food, artisan coffee, cocktails and more.

The Ecology Pavilion overlooks the reed beds of Mile End Park and is bathed in natural light from floor to ceiling windows.

Our stallholders at previous markets

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.