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The Night Fair Before Christmas

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventNorwich, NR3 3AF

The Night Fair Before Christmas featuring 50+ artists, both local and from further afield.

Hannah Kate Makes Dylan Donkey Christmas CardHannah Kate Makes Dylan Donkey Christmas CardTwo greetings cards, one purple and one green themed. Picture shows a fairy performing aerial hoop in a vintage circus.


6th & 7th December 2024
Next Markets
No future dates
Free Entry
Markets in
Norfolk , East Anglia

Join us for the annual The Night Fair Before Christmas markets!

Featuring 50+ artists, both local and from further afield, this alternative market ensures you can find something a little different for your festive season.

Bringing the finest original alternative art, décor, fashion, entomology, jewellery, faux taxidermy, candles, prints, stickers, ceramics, crystals, patches, plushies, soft furnishings and more.

Free entry, children welcome under supervision.

Dogs are not permitted, except registered guide dogs (a condition of our event insurance).

Please contact the organiser directly for further details of this event.

Our stallholders at previous markets

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.