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Sunflower Craft Fair & Psychic Event

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventBirmingham, B37 7BT

A monthly craft fair showcasing handmade local crafts from the West Midlands. Free entry.

Sunflower Craft Fair


Marston Green Parish Hall, Elmdon Road, Birmingham
B37 7BT
1st Saturday of each month
Next Markets
No future dates
Sunflower Craft Psychic fair
Free parking available.
Markets in
The West Midlands , The Midlands

The Sunflower Craft Fair & Psychic Event showcases a variety of unique handmade crafts and gift ideas from West Midlands stallholders, alongside hot food and other refreshments.

The fair takes place on the first Saturday of every month from March to November (except August), with an extra date on 9th December for Christmas.

Free entry. Free parking.

Contact Sunflower Craft Psychic fair

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.