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Take a look at these successful Pedddle stallholders – our makers are making it!

Meet the Maker

What are your business goals? Read about some of our success stories.

Makers Making it, Pedddle

This week we’re celebrating successful Pedddle stallholders – are of our stallholders are successful in their own right, but recently the wider public and media is noticing, and we’re here for it!

Who knows when you can officially say you ‘made it’? For some people it is about making a lots of money, for others it is about a life goal of achieving a retail unit, a shop, or even a personal target about a career goal or your home life.

Take a look at these successful Pedddle stallholders – our makers are making it!

 Each of our Pedddle stallholders are successful in their own right, but two of our fantastic stallholder members have been featured in The Guardian with their stories. Both are great reads, with their stories of where it all began and even their previous jobs.

They are both at different points in their business journeys, but both have achieved somewhat of a life goal for many. One now owns a shop and the other is ‘like a bee on a daisy’, making wooden cheese and presentation boards and knives for top chefs and many happy households across the world. Sometimes, having your products used by so many and so often brings a brilliant sense of achievement. 

Junkbox Apparel, Pedddle

We all suffer from ‘comparisonitus’ from time to time – comparing ourselves to others. But as they say, ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ – there is absolutely need to compare yourself to others, we each need to set our own destinations and goals.

When we set out on a path, there is not always an end objective in sight, but something that grows into a goal or personal achievement. For instance, when Carrie of Junkbox first set up her clothing range, she may not have dared to think that one day she would own her own shop and then end up in The Guardian featuring her thriving business in Chester – but she set that goal along the way, and her business journey has led to wonderful places.

Founder Nicki recently visited Carrie’s shop, The 2nd Floor in Chester, and it is a such a great outlet and very quirky too. It plays host to a number of brilliant makers. Our very own Cart+Ferry is also there with their beautiful selection of handmade bags for all occasions. One of Nicki’s personal favourite artists is the brilliant Rheannon Ormond. She met Rheannon when she was just 11 years old; Rheannon is a creative soul that has clearly channelled her energy into creating her own distinctive style of art, and makes brilliant artworks and prints to this day. 

Whispers of Wood, PedddleJohn, of Whispers of Wood, is a larger than life character who always has such positive energy. This makes him a great seller, creator and businessman, with the help of his fabulous wife too, of course!

Nicki had the pleasure of working with John at The Kirstie Allsopp Handmade Fair back in 2018, and it was brilliant to watch him talk about his products that he knew inside out, from where the wood originated to his end products. The article in The Guardian was about his career, as his previous jobs included being a sailor, IT Manager, singer and craftsman (due to it being part of a promotion has now been removed) – but he’s had a very interesting life and somewhat diverse career! 

Both of these successful Pedddle stallholders sellers have had an article written about them as they are both Square card reader users. Pedddle are partners of Square – you can read more about the benefits for Pedddle members here.  

Looking to start your own business or want to become one of our successful Pedddle stallholders too? If that is a life goal of yours, or means success to you, have a read of our blog for some tips.