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How to optimise a Pedddle market listing

Our top 5 tips

Tillie Rose Studio, Sheffield Christmas Market Stall

Once you have registered with Pedddle, it’s super easy to list your markets and events! We’ve put together a few tips for our Market Organiser members to get the most out of Pedddle.

Our Top 5 tips

1. SEO optimise your Pedddle page

There are a few ways you can SEO optimise your Pedddle page, so that it ranks higher in search engine results: 

  • Add your 2023 dates asap
  • Make sure your bio is 300+ words
  • Upload your current logo – this will show as a header on your market pages (does not apply to Basic listings)
  • Add a short bio – log into Pedddle, click the ‘My Profile’ tab and add 2 or 3 sentences to the About Yourself section. This will show under ‘Who we are’ on the front end – like this example from Little Bird below!

2. Make sure all your events are Live

Have you got any events in Draft mode? 

To set an event Live on the website, simply log into Pedddle and slide the top left toggle on your event page from Draft to Published (pictured below). 

The system will then guide you through the subscription options. Once your event is Live, our team will SEO optimise your page – and more market visitors will find you!

3. Remind Pedddle members to check in to your markets

When Pedddle members check-in to your market, your market appears on their stall page. This increases the amount of chances for customers to see your events. 

Why not add a little reminder to your customer emails to remind them?

Click here to understand how it works.

4. Tag us in your socials!

Tag us in your Insta posts and we’ll share as many as possible to our Stories – and our 32k+ Insta followers.

Instagram now has a calendar function, which lets you show the date of your events and gives people a reminder of when it’s on. Let us know if you’d like more Insta tips!

5. Want your 2023 markets to be found? Get them listed today!

SEO takes 3-6 months to kick in, so the sooner you list your 2023 market dates on Pedddle, the better.

Upgrading your subscription could give you more social media mentions, email newsletter features throughout the year, and even a personalised blog on our website! 

Click here to see all of our pricing options and what’s included.