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Hello, Market Organiser!

Thanks for clicking through to find out more about Pedddle.

If you run small local fairs, larger events or even seasonal events only – Pedddle is here for you. We wanted to share some valuable insights about what we do and how we can help.

As organisers, the quest to gather traders and elevate customer awareness is a multifaceted journey. Whether your focus leans towards boosting trader participation or capturing customer attention, we’ve got your back.

Based on a recent website survey, 64% of our users are enthusiastic customers actively seeking markets, and the remaining 36% are stallholders and organisers.

We proudly boast that we are the best market directory in the UK. We are a curated platform; we have fabulous organic traffic (76% organic), unique functionalities and unrivalled social media promotion in the UK market industry.

Pedddle takes pride in gathering its audience whether that is from social media accounts, from visiting markets or to our extensive SEO work.

Why advertising with Pedddle is a great idea

  • The people that visit our website are looking specifically for artisan and local events. They are your ideal target audience.
  • Return on investment for the markets is around 1p-3p per click and page view. Better than you will get on FB!!
  • Stallholders use Pedddle to find events to sell at – why not let traders come to you?
  • Stallholders can check-in to events, which means they become visible on your market page and your event gets listed on their page in turn, raising visibility for you both.
  • Pedddle has great SEO optimisation, so connecting with us will not only help your event but also boost your website SEO too!

What it costs?

Registration is just £10 – a one off fee.

Then each market page – based on location – starts from £10 for 6 months. See the full market page advertising costs here. You select your advertising package once you have created your market page.

Why should you list a market with us?

We love the markets and what they stand for and genuinely want to see them shine.

If you have any more questions on how Pedddle can help or any element you don’t understand, just get in touch at [email protected]

Market Organisers Testimonials

“Nicki and her team have supported me and opened up more opportunities than I thought possible. I use my Pedddle Market Organiser page as my website!” Verity at AMFF