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Craft Market near me

At the Market | My Market Finds | Need Some Inspiration?

We often get asked ‘ do you know any good craft markets near me?’ and our answer is the same. Visit our timeline then visit the markets you find.

Fabulous Places Events, Pedddle

What is the difference between a craft fair and craft market? It is a brilliant question but basically comes down to whatever the event organiser wishes to call it.

Some people love and others loathe the term market and it’s just personal preference. Very often a craft fair will be mainly held indoors whereas a market is more likely to be outdoors – just a very general rule but not always true.

So, if you are looking for a craft market or craft fair, you are in luck here. We have many!

Just to be clear we don’t run any of the markets you see on our timeline. If you click the logo at the top of a market page, it will show you if that organiser has other events listed on Pedddle.

In order to discover the craft markets you love, it means you have to visit them. It’s quite a personal thing because some people love a good mix of craft and food but others just want food/craft exclusively. Until you try out different events you never know which ones you love most.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, craft markets offer a sanctuary where we can immerse ourselves in the beauty of handmade creations, connect with passionate artisans, and rediscover the joy of supporting local talent.

Find a craft market near me

Enjoy visiting the markets and supporting the small businesses that work there.