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Clicks and Mortar – the innovative 2019 Amazon pop-up!

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The first ever Amazon Pop-up shop in Manchester.

Clicks and mortar, Pedddle

We are delighted to share that Pedddle has secured a space within the first ever Amazon Pop-up shop, Clicks and Mortar, in Manchester! A few of our members will be there, so if you want to show your support for innovation, take a look at the schedule below!

Clicks and Mortar is the brand new physical store for the online shopping giant Amazon, and in collaboration with Enterprise Nation (a network of small businesses and business advisers that has helped thousands of people achieve their goals), they have now debuted in Manchester.

Open for a 6 week period in summer 2019, before the concept pop-up shop heads off to Cardiff, a selection of our Pedddle stallholder members will be there with their small businesses. Have a look at the table below to see more…

Nordic Muse (a Pedddle member) is first to be joining them, followed by up to 8 Pedddle members on 1st July 2019.

It’s an amazing opportunity and great to see larger companies supporting small companies, giving them the opportunity to retail on the high street. Although we often think of larger businesses as a negative thing for smaller businesses, there are ways of working together and this new innovation is one of them.

Here is a current list of our members that will be joining the pop up shop during our time in residence:

Old Man & Magpie Candle Co
Bertie Rose
Okay Cokey
Royal Edge

The shop is selling everything from food and drink to electronics, beauty products and homewares, as well as offering Amazon Lockers for customers to collect their orders. Read more in this article.

The whole shop is also powered by Square UK, which offer card payment systems. Pedddle are partners of Square and also have members offers with them – click here to find out more on that.