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The Fold

Sunday Artisan Market At The Fold

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventBransford, WR6 5JB

The monthly markets held at The Fold are an important way to connect with and support local, ethical and sustainable businesses and producers. Find over 40 stallholders.

Market At The Fold - market in actionMarket At The Fold in Bransford - market in action


A4103, Bransford, UK
First Sunday of the Month
Next Markets
No future dates
The Fold
Disabled parking. Disabled access to toilets. Cafe has disabled access. Baby changing facilities.
Free on site parking for up to 250 cars.
Toilets Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
The West Midlands , Worcestershire , The Midlands

The Fold markets are a fun, friendly, creative and dynamic space for visitors to connect with, experience and shop from over 40 stallholders, makers and artists, on an Organic Market Garden site in the Teme Valley in Worcestershire. There are beautiful Nature Trails to explore at this venue, as well as a therapy centre, venue hire space, workshops, classes and other events scheduled throughout the year.

The Sunday Markets At The Fold have free entry (with the exception of the special festival markets - dates to be announced), and we also offer free on-site parking for up to 250 cars.

The independent shops, farm shop and nature trail will be open on-site for you to explore on market days. The Fold Cafe will also be open serving an array of vegetarian light bites, hot drinks, pastries, cakes and more.

Our markets are here to showcase local artisans and produce from the Midlands and beyond. We carefully curate our markets to be inclusive and varied; taking special care to select traders & wares that align with our values, vision and mission as an organisation.

Dogs are welcome in the market barn, cafe and shops too.

Contact The Fold

Our stallholders at previous markets

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.