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E Arnold Fine Art


Eye-catching cyanotype artworks using pressed flowers, photo negatives and a sprinkle of humour.

E Arnold Fine Art Blooming Heart CyanotypeE Arnold Fine Art Blooming Heart CyanotypeE Arnold Fine Art, cyanotype on wooden decorationE Arnold Fine Art, teapot, tea, book & chocolate lived happily ever afterE Arnold Fine Art, Taking Off, owl cyanotypeE Arnold Fine Art, More Coffee coaster
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Who we are

Bringing a love of nature and photography together, Emily creates unique artworks on paper and 3D objects using the historic photographic process of cyanotype. In her home studio in Stapleford, she produces stunning blue and white cyanotype images, using pressed flowers and photo negatives.
Emily loves to draw attention to the beauty in the ordinary and little details that can easily be overlooked in the fast pace of life.
She creates original artworks on paper, fabric, and glass, as well as a selection of homeware and decorative items with her designs on them. She also offers personalised commissions.

Contact E Arnold Fine Art

Located in Nottingham