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Do I need a business card to give out at my stall?

At the Market | Sustainability | Traders- Hints & Tips

Talking through the perks of a business card and how Pedddle has an even better system!

Do I need a business card to give out at my stall? rainbow colour collection of Jayne style knotted necklaces displayed around business card

Lots of traders take business cards to market and they’re often grabbed by passers by. But is this the best way to convert to sales after a market, and what should you include on your business card?

This article talks you through all the perks and why you might need a business card, BUT why Pedddle offers an even better system!

Do I need a business card to give out at my stall?

We think so! Here’s why:

  • It’s easy to hand out a business card at all times – you can keep them in your wallet and network any time, any where! It doesn’t just have to be at markets.
  • They are small and easily stored – pop them in your bag and take them with you everywhere.
  • It’s easy to read info – just pop your business name on, and either a QR code or your social media handles, website and email address! Give people easy ways to find and contact you.
  • Don’t overcrowd the card, keep it simple BUT make sure people know how to contact and shop from you, otherwise it’s a sale missed.
  • Check out this YouTube video from Pedddle Founder Nicki on some other business card perks!

Are there sustainable alternatives to business cards?

This is where Pedddle Membership is once again, highly useful!

We have a personalised QR code system, which is the most ideal and sustainable way to get all of the benefits of personalised business cards, whilst reducing the waste. By waste, we don’t just mean to actual act of cutting down trees and using them to make business cards, but also the people that will take a business card home with them and simply lose it, or bin it immediately.

Our QR code system means that BOTH market visitors and passing customers can scan your Pedddle board at every market that you sell at, and favourite your stall so they can remember it easily by simply logging into their Pedddle account.

Once they ‘favourite’ your stall you will ALWAYS then show at the top of their Dashboard! A super easy way to remember you, visit your Pedddle page to shop from you and contact you, AND see which markets you’ll sell at in future too, once you check into them on Pedddle! Not to boast, but we truly have thought of everything – as we’ve said many times, we’re here to help the stallholder community, and helping customers find you easily is a huge huge perk.

This system also saves you from buying market stall extras like business cards, so you’re actually saving money! This is a much less expensive and more sustainable method, plus customers will see you at the top of their Dashboard every time they log into Pedddle and it gives you a great talking point to strike up a conversation with them at the market. Customers can even access any market day discounts that you offer this way.

As Nicki mentioned in this YouTube video, if you do want to include a QR code either on your biz card or Pedddle board, make sure you’re using the Pedddle one to direct people to the right place. There’s no point just directing people to your Instagram page, as it’s a less direct sale, whereas your Pedddle page will link to your website, socials, and contact form.

Do I even need a business card?

Ultimately, the answer to that question is totally up to you. As we’ve said, our QR system is a great money-saving, more eco-friendly alternative.

But what about the physical alternatives? What about using a postcard instead? You’d get more space to play with, but there could be cons to this too, who’d have thought?! Click here to read our blog the Postcards vs Business Cards debate, to help you decide.