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Crafty Vintage at The Winter Droving

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventPenrith, CA11 7BY
The Winter Droving is a magical festival in Penrith that celebrates all things rural, traditional and fun. The event highlight is a torch lit procession through the town featuring fire, lanterns, masquerade, music and mayhem.
The Winter Droving by Craft Vintage, PedddleThe Winter Droving by Craft Vintage, PedddleThe Winter Droving by Craft Vintage, PedddleThe Winter Droving by Craft Vintage, PedddleThe Winter Droving by Craft Vintage, PedddleThe Winter Droving by Craft Vintage, Pedddle


CA11 7BY
26th October, 2019
Next Markets
No future dates
Crafty Vintage
Expect usual accessibility in a town centre location.
In local car parks and free exhibitors passes.
Markets in
Cumbria , North West
The rural Cumbrian market will kick off at 10am and there will be street entertainment, live music, races - The Drovers Cup, games and rides throughout the day to the evening!
Crafty Vintage will showcase some of the best creators, collectors, artisans, and street food chefs in the area and are collaborating with Eden Arts to host an additional market with this event.

Contact Crafty Vintage

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.