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Crafty Vintage

Who we are

Crafty Vintage has been established for over 10 years and is one of the leading craft, food and vintage fair organisers in the North West. We go to great lengths on marketing our events, pulling out all the stops to ensure our exhibitors are looked after before and during our events. We have a fantastic visitor following all across the North and exhibitors are selected carefully for their produce and/or products.​ We choose castles, towers and old mills, prestigious and stunning locations to showcase your products. Our "family festivals" are very popular, with live entertainment, artisan and streetfood, magic and circus shows, sometimes theatre productions too! Crafty Vintage is a regular social gathering where like-minded folk can meet, socialise, share ideas and gather inspiration. We are purveyors of classic vintage, collectables, retro wares, quirky handmade, fine foods and delectable cuisine.

Future Events

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