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5 ways to market your business without social media (or markets!)

Traders- Hints & Tips

Don’t fancy getting on the socials, or can’t make it out to a market? We are here for you!

5 ways to market your business without social media or markets

Growing a small business can be challenging, especially with a limited budget. However, if you don’t want to rely on social media for driving customer, we’ve out together 5 ways to market your business without social media.

5 ways to market your business without social media

Want to increase your brand visibility without using social media or attending a market?

Here are our suggestions:

1. Networking

Meeting other creative business owners at markets can raise brand awareness and even potential future collaborations.

2. Blogging

Creating a blog will give you more online exposure and some SEO juice for your website.

It can demonstrate your expertise in your industry, and position you as a voice of authority for both current and potential customers.

Also, write for other people on their blogs and link back to yours – this is great for SEO.

Use something like ChatGPT or Gemini to help – you will need to proof read, SEO-optimise, and switch them to British English (they usually give answers in American English so watch out!), but they can be a real help with your word count and ideas. You can then re-word and tweak to fit your needs.

3. Email Newsletters

A super effective way to nurture your customers is via your mailing list. Sending regular email newsletters keeps people interested, and you can use them to give exclusive sales, discounts or sneak peeks at your products and collections.

4. Directories / Online Listings

Online listings or directories just like Pedddle can be super helpful in getting your biz seen!

Here at Pedddle we’ve created an online directory for this exact purpose; to help businesses be discovered both on and offline more easily.

Directories and online listings place you and your products directly in front of people looking for businesses like yours.

5. Join other Small Business communities

Join Small Business Communities and Facebook Groups – this can be a very supportive way to introduce your brand to new customers.

There are lots of different groups for lots of different reasons, so look for groups that support other local businesses in your area, search for those selling similar products or join social media support groups, where you can ‘like’ and comment on one another’s posts once published, to boost your engagement levels.

Obviously we would love you to join in markets, but we are realistic and not every weekend can be filled with a market to sell at.

Here at Pedddle, our community membership offers so much – even if you don’t sell at markets!

Click the button to see what you can get from us…