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Hey Stallholder - Join Pedddle

Hey, Small Business Owner!

Thinking about joining us at Pedddle?

Here’s more about what we do and why you’ll love being part of our community.

Running a small business is exciting, but it can also be a lot to handle. You’re probably wearing many hats and juggling multiple responsibilities day-to-day. Making decisions can be tough when you’re going it alone.

That’s where we come in. 

Our stallholder membership gives you access to helpful videos, a supportive community, and expert advice on tap. Plus, we’ll get you listed on our award winning market directory, so potential customers can find you easily.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

What our stallholders are saying

We’re excited to become part of your business journey! Whether you’re seeking a friendly community of like-minded stallholders who support and uplift each other, or access to our useful content and learning resources to help you grow, we’re ready to welcome you with open arms. Click the link below to apply!

Check out this recent workshop that Nicki, our founder, ran for the community.

Maybe you’re not quite ready to join Pedddle but want to hear more about it – we understand investing in yourself or your business can be a great next step but also a big hurdle.

Join our exclusive list to hear more about what we do, why we do it and who we work with.

Are you a market organiser or visitor? Find out how you can also join Pedddle.