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10 Top Tips for Craft Fair success

General | Traders- Hints & Tips

Thinking about selling your wares at a Craft Fair soon?

Two customers shopping and browsing a market stall at Mindful Market

We’ve put together 10 Top Tips for Craft Fair success, with a list of everything from preparation for the event to essentials you need to take with you!

Obviously, we love a Craft Fair. For stallholders, they are a brilliant way of getting your products out to the public and generating more customers. They also usually have a lovely atmosphere and are a quintessential British tradition – but it can feel overwhelming to put your handmade, lovingly-made items on display for everyone to see.

We’ve seen so many Craft Fairs over the years, and many members of the Pedddle team have first-hand experience of selling at various markets and Craft Fairs, as well as being seasoned market visitors and enthusiastic customers too!

Here are our 10 Top Tips for Craft Fair success, so that your Craft Fair day happens in the best possible way.

10 Top Tips for Craft Fair success

1. Research!

Firstly, and most importantly, is doing your research. What kind of person would buy your product? Where can they be found?

Are they going to shop from traditional markets in a Town Hall, would they be on a family day trip in a cute village, or are they more likely to be at a cool pop-up shop in the city? Would they shop from a family-orientated event, a night market with a DJ, or a county show?

Visiting markets and Craft Fairs in part of your research! Not only is this fun to do, but it classes as work!! Make a note of:

  • The expected and actual footfall. These can be different, and can depend on weather conditions, other local events etc. If they expected footfall is higher, look at why this could be. Is it just a sunny day? Or if it’s much lower, why is that? For example, on the day of the King’s coronation, some markets were much busier than normal, whilst some were much quieter, depending on time of day and location (and proximity to London!).
  • Which products are the most popular – and their price points. Even if you don’t offer anything like these products, having something at a similar pricing point may be key.
  • How much does a pitch cost? Do they offer half-pitches to keep costs down?
  • Do they provide a table, a canopy, banners, electricity etc. Are there tea making facilities for if you want a free refreshment?
  • What insurance do you need? Public Liability Insurance is usually asked for, but there may be other kinds too.
  • How much / what kind of advertising does the organiser do? This could be important in driving footfall and suchlike.

2. Consider your Branding

Branding is important for any business, no matter how small or large, and will carry through to all areas of your business.

Consider consistent fonts, colours and a logo, which will be everywhere from your packaging to your social media posts.

Not sure where to start? Click here for some tips!

3. Prepare your stock

Think concisely, and think about how you’re getting in to the Craft Fair.

Don’t overload your stall! You could keep alternative options back, such as products in different colours, and if a customer shows interest, use it to initiate a conversation.

Try to offer different price points. Not sure how to price your stock? This blog on pricing with confidence has a ton of tips!

Be clear about delivery methods or made-to-order stock, if that’s what you offer.

4. Create an eye-catching stall display

Your stall layout is there to draw in passers by – so make sure it catches the eye!

Read our top tips on creating a stand-out market stall here.

Give it a practice run in the comfort of your own home, so you can time how long it takes and see what needs tweaking!

5. Learn everything you can about the process of the day

Read through all of the information the event organiser has given you, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. They want their event to run smoothly, too.

What is the exact size of your table or stall? Is there a floor-plan, and where is your stall located on it? What are the parking arrangements at the venue – is there a charge and how close can you pull up to the venue to unload stock? Is your stall upstairs or downstairs? Is it wheelchair accessible? What time can you set up from? Is there free Wi-Fi? Are there mains power sockets near your stall?

6. Payment options

There are so many affordable options for PoS (point of sale) systems these days; Square, Zettle and more. Most card payment companies charge a percentage of your sales in order to use them.

Always take a float, too – people do still pay in cash, and you want to have every payment method available so that you don’t miss out on sales!

7. Promote, promote, promote!

Tell your family and friends, tell anyone who’ll listen! Shout it out of your bedroom window if you want to.

Social media is vital in this day and age, tell your followers where you’ll be at, when and what time. If you don’t have social media for your business yet, why not?!

Click here to see why it’s vital and gain some tips.

8. Get everything you need in order

Stock to sell, tablecloth, props for stall display, trading name sign, price tags or price list, cash box, change for float, mobile phone & charger (or battery pack), business cards or other promotional material, mailing list, pencils and pens, bags or other packaging material, notebook to record sales, sellotape, scissors, string, cleaning cloth, card payment reader (if you have one), copy of your Public Liability Insurance (if needed).

How is the lighting at the venue? A battery powered lamp might be useful to illuminate your products in dark venues. A print rack or clothes rail could be handy. Check with the organiser first, to see if these are ok to bring. If possible, take along some work in progress. We like to bring a sketchbook to keep busy during quiet times. Customers will love seeing how your products are made!

Click here for our Market Checklist so you know exactly what to take to your next market.

9. Pack the essentials

Pack everything you need the day before the event. Don’t forget to charge your card reader if you are bringing one. How will you get your stock safely to the venue? Can you carry everything yourself, or will you need a helping hand? We have certainly been caught out before and barely been able to lift our bags! We now use a large wheelie suitcase. A folding load carrier would be another good option. Print out the directions to the venue, so you can find you way in case of phone or SatNav failure.  

10. On the day

Get an early start to make sure you get to the event on time. Try not to arrive too early though (yes, it does happen), as the event organiser could still be setting up and you might not be allowed in. Find out what time is the earliest you can arrive. You will soon be a pro at setting up your stall, but until you have done it a few times, make sure you give yourself plenty of time! 

If it’s your first market it might be a good idea to bring a friend to keep you company and help you out on the day. If you will be selling on your own it can be useful to bring packed lunch, snacks and plenty of water, to keep you going.

Don’t worry if you find it stressful to talk to customers at first. Just try to give off a friendly vibe and have fun. Take clues from customers’ body language. Do they want a quiet browse, or do they look keen have a chat? Smile, engage with costumers and be proud of your products!

Joining Pedddle can offer so much support with selling at Craft Fairs and Markets. Click here to check out some of our success stories! Or hit the button below to see what our monthly membership can offer you…