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Why you should visit Leeds Artsmix

At the Market

Find out more about visiting Leeds Artsmix, a creative indie haven in the heart of vibrant Leeds.

Stallholder candles at Leeds Artsmix Makers

Leeds Artsmix is a frequent market in Leeds, offering a fantastic selection of indie makers. Click here to see when it’s next on!

Pedddle Founder Nicki recently visited, and shared her experience on Instagram:

What makes Leeds Artsmix so great?

Jonathan Smith of Leeds Artsmix said: “I have been involved with Artsmix since the early days, when it was a large social enterprise in Leeds that supported creative people from the early stages of ideas, through development and production, to providing commercial platforms where there original creative goods could be sold. When the government funding fell away from the project, about 10 years ago, I bought the trading arm of the organisation which still runs the regular Albion Place Market. I deal with the day to day running of Artsmix and work closely with our creative traders.

Artsmix has always been committed to promoting creativity and helping creative people make their way financially. We connect people through creativity, and help creative people make their way financially. We are an enterprise driven by our commitment to connect people through creativity”.

Leeds Artsmix is an original and alternative pop-up experience in Leeds City Centre. Offering a regular pop-up on Saturdays, it provides independent artisans with a great place to showcase their makes.

With over 10 years trading history at Albion Place, Leeds Artsmix provides a well establish and highly regarded market on this busy thoroughfare, near to large chains such as Byron Burger, Pizza Express, WH Smith and Pret A Manger, and just a hop and a skip from Marks & Spencer and The Trinity Centre.

You’ll find original artists, local crafters, designers and creative food producers – a unique shopping experience for anyone looking to buy something original and that little bit different. Products include art, photography, fashion, jewellery, home accessories, homewares, food and even beard wax, amongst other bespoke grooming products.

The market runs fortnightly on a Saturday from late March to October, and weekly in November and December, right through to Christmas.

Enjoy originality and experience this alternative and totally original ‘pop-up’ shopping experience.

Click here to view their upcoming events.