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Why we decided to charge for our basic market listing

A little transparency

We had run without a charge for many months (years even) and whilst this was ok, a few things became obvious:

1. Keeping the community united and supported.

2. We want to keep paying our staff

3. For how much it is valued

4. The level of advertising.

Being United and supported

At the heart of Pedddle is a strong sense of community, and that’s something we truly value. We noticed that sometimes there was a bit of a gap between the organisers and us, and that didn’t sit well with us. Pedddle is all about bringing market communities together, and we want to ensure that we’re actively involved in supporting both organisers and participants. However, we understand that some organisers might want this level of service- just a place to be seen but not a place to interact. If this is the case, that’s fine!

Helping us to keep it running!

Running Pedddle requires resources, and with rising costs across the board, we’re committed to keeping Pedddle up and running smoothly. By introducing a nominal subscription fee, we can continue to pay our hardworking staff who are dedicated to improving our website and offering exceptional support to the community.

The level of Advertising

Now, here’s the exciting part: for just an additional £5 per year, you can enhance your Pedddle experience and increase your market’s visibility. We’ll help you connect with a broader audience by sharing your markets on social media and including them in our weekend posts and emails. It’s a small investment that can make a big difference.

The link between value and paying

Finally, we understand that value is closely linked to investment. By introducing these subscription options, we’re ensuring that Pedddle remains a vibrant, valuable, and thriving platform. We’ve put our heart and soul into building the biggest and best online market directory in the UK, and we’re excited to continue growing with your support.

I felt it important to share with you our reasons for changing the prices because not much in life is free nowadays and I genuinely wanted to keep it free for as long as possible, which I believe we did.

Nicki, Founder of Pedddle

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Let’s keep creating wonderful market experiences together!

Warmest regards,

Nicki Founder of Pedddle