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The Creative Business Crisis; Why you must Shop Small This Christmas

Christmas Markets | Mental Health

The creative industry needs your help.

Curly LuLu Christmas Makers Fair Shoreham Paper Daisy Events

As champions of small business, we’ll be encouraging you to shop small this Christmas, and for many Christmasses to come! However, small businesses are experiencing a bit of a crisis right now…

Are consumers leaving it too late to shop for Christmas? Or are they just shopping less? Will we know until we arrive at Christmas itself? We knew that Covid and Brexit would play a massive part in changing the face of retail, but by how much?

We’ve heard from a lot of worried creative and independent business owners lately – the sales are not coming in as they did in 2020 and not even as freely as in 2019. With last posting dates looming, there may not be enough time for many small businesses to make the cash they need to keep going beyond Christmas.

What effect will this have on our market and events industry in 2022 and beyond?

We’re going to outline the issues, and specifically why we all should shop small this Christmas.

Current business worries

Brexit seems like a far distant memory compared to Covid, yet these huge events have impacted us all and continue to do so. We hear so many calls echoing the ‘shop small’ phrase, but it’s a sentiment we all need to bear in mind this Christmas especially.

Small businesses form the backbone of the British economy. The after-effects of the pandemic have meant that customers are shopping later this year, as money is tight and people are worried post-pandemic for the safety of their own jobs.

Bigger brands can offer huge discounts and sales – events such as Black Friday are a big incentive for consumers to buy from big brands, but small businesses can’t compete with those kind of discounts.

The convenience of shopping on Amazon (and similar sites) with it’s same and next day Prime post arrivals is a big draw for many. With last posting dates looming, many small craft businesses can’t produce their goods in such a tight time frame, and there simply may not be enough time for many small businesses to make the cash they need to keep going this Christmas. 

How are shopping habits changing?

Living a more ‘green’ lifestyle is something at the forefront of many conversations these days, particularly thanks to the recent COP26 convention. Thanks to a focus on sustainability and eco-consciousness, shopping from local and small businesses is something that many consumers are now doing.

Buying from local markets and small businesses means a lower carbon footprint, and people are placing more value in products rather than throw-away consumerism. People are looking less for material goods and more for experiences. Many of Pedddle’s stallholders offer such experiences – baking tutorials that you can do from home, craft kits for adults and children alike, to learn a skill as you craft. However, the toll on small business owners is also clear. 

How can Pedddle help?

At Pedddle, we are urging consumers to shop small this Christmas. Plan in advance to get something truly special for your loved ones. With a huge range of stallholders to choose from or local markets to visit, you’re sure to find ideal gifts. 

Pedddle is a directory of markets and their stallholders from all over the UK. Stallholders can check in to markets that they’ll be selling at, so if you’ve visited an event recently you can check Pedddle to see which of our stallholders sold there. This also means you don’t have to make rushed purchases on the day – you can simply browse at a market and buy from them in future.

The important thing to remember is that even just buying a small item, such as a Christmas card, will help keep small businesses alive and thriving into 2022. The Just A Card campaign also champions these values.

Shop small this Christmas – and for every Christmas to come

Shop small this Christmas, and ensure it’s a great Christmas for all.

We’ll be posting more blogs around this topic, so get in touch if there’s anything you’d like to see!

Blog published November 2021.