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The Best Independent Christmas Markets in Surrey in 2023

Christmas Markets

Get ready to shop small at Surrey’s best independent Christmas markets this festive season.

Little Bookham Christmas Market

Looking for indie markets in Surrey this festive season? We’ve put together a list of the Best Independent Christmas Markets in Surrey to make it easy for you to gift this Christmas!

A perfect way to get into the spirit of the season is visiting a great Christmas market, browsing through different kinds of stalls, picking up tasty festive food and drink and meeting the makers behind the products. Surrey is known for its idyllic landscapes and has been the backdrop for centuries of English heritage, and it is home to lots of great independent markets throughout the year.

Independent Christmas markets in the county are set to return this year, featuring artisanal crafts and local treats. Let’s explore the Best Independent Christmas Markets in Surrey and see what they have to offer in winter 2023.

The Best Independent Christmas Markets in Surrey in 2023

Etsy Guildford Christmas Market is set to take place on 2nd December at Guildford Cathedral, A seasonal festival of unique gifts handcrafted by local artists and makers. Curated by Etsy Guildford and featuring 55 local creators, artists and small business owners are ready to welcome you in this magnificent building. You can also enjoy a performance from Godalming & Guildford Jazz Choir on the day. 

Another great choice is the Christmas Pop Up Shopping Market at Denbies Wine Estate, hosted by Dapper and Suave. Denbies is England’s largest vineyard, and is set in a picturesque surrounding. These gorgeous markets are always host to a wide variety of creatives, makers and small business owners offering great products. Plus, their Christmas event on 26th November is a perfect chance to get some gift shopping done! With just a month before the big day, get those last-minute gifts planned out once and for all.

If you’d prefer to soak up some late night market magic and do your Christmas shopping in the evening, you can visit the Late Night Christmas Pop-Up on Tuesday 5th December, from 5.30pm until 8pm.

Curated by Dapper & Suave are also hosting their Creative Makers Christmas Market at Gildings Barn on 10th December, also in Dorking, Surrey. Another great venue in the Surrey countryside and there will be lots of seasonal and festive makes to get you feeling Christmassy! 

Even more festive treats…

The Tithe Barn in Little Bookham is a beautiful 16th century barn with a lovely rustic setting and this year will be host to Little Bookham Christmas Market, a magical Christmas market with free entry and lots of festive treats, mulled wine and more.

Over 30 makers and creators from across Surrey are taking part, so if you’re looking to kick off your Christmas shopping this is a great option. You can visit on Saturday 25th November 2023 and all proceeds support children and families who rely on Cherry Trees.

Shine On market stall set up

If you travel further east to Farnham, Anytime Artisan Craft Market’s Happy Handmade Christmas Market is taking place on 25th November at the Ivy Lane Club in Farnham. A lovely way to shop local this winter.

These are our pick of the Best Independent Christmas Markets in Surrey 2023; all are poised to provide an opportunity to embrace the festive season and discover unique gifts and delicious treats. Shopping small helps us all, and this is an ethos to carry from this Christmas and well into the new year!

Whether you’re shopping for loved ones or simply enjoying the holiday spirit, these markets are a must-visit. Bundle up and experience the magic of Surrey during the winter season by exploring these enchanting markets. We hope you enjoy your market travels!

Best Independent Christmas Markets in Surrey – blog written November 2024.