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While Darcey Sleeps

Haywards Heath

I design and make crochet toys and collectibles!
I accept custom requests for designs.

While Darcey Sleeps, sleepy pink unicornWhile Darcey Sleeps, sleepy pink unicornWhile Darcey Sleeps, christmas decorationsWhile Darcey Sleeps, polar bear bauble kitWhile Darcey Sleeps, baby giraffeWhile Darcey Sleeps, unicorn dolls
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Who we are

Hi, I’m Karen and I make crochet toys and collectibles. I am self taught at designing but my mum taught to me to crochet – thanks mum!

I was retired from the civil service due to ill health, and decided to try my hand at selling some craft. I decided to get a puppy and called her Darcey, and guess what? I could only work while she slept! She’s 7 now and I can still only work while she sleeps!

I live in Sussex, opposite an ancient woodland, so if you follow me on social media you can look forward to lots of pretty woods pictures! I draw inspiration from my walk and the Japanese style of kawaii (meaning cute) and all my toys are made in the amigurumi style (going round and round!).

I test all children’s toy to EN171 safety standard, but everything I make uses all EN171 compliant components.

I take commissions for toys and have made lizards, dinosaurs, owls and eagles this year!

Please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss a made to order work or a commission x

Contact While Darcey Sleeps

Located in Haywards Heath