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Victoria Williams Jewellery

Melksham, Wiltshire

Made using recycled eco sterling silver and all pieces are handmade using traditional silversmithing techniques.

Victoria Williams Jewellery, Pedddle
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Who we are

I have been creative from a young age, I remember always wanting to draw, colour and make things and entering competitions at school for drawing. I took art at school and college but after having my son I stopped education and focused on him, I got a “normal” job and carried on with life.

At 30 I decided to go back to college and then uni and I absolutely loved it. I tried everything, eventually falling in love with metal work. I love hammering and creating texture.

My pieces are inspired by nature, initially from a visit to Yosemite National Park in California, where I found lots of interesting cones. Now I can’t go for a walk in the woods or the beach without coming home with a pocket full of treasure! I enjoying recreating the forms I find in nature to create texture on my pieces and I use resin or jesmonite to add some colour to the pieces.

My jewellery is made using recycled eco sterling silver where possible, unfortunately I have not found any recycled silver chains yet but all catches attached are made by hand from recycled silver. All pieces are handmade using traditional silversmithing techniques.

Contact Victoria Williams Jewellery

Located in Melksham, Wiltshire