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Victoria Ceramics


Colourful handcrafted ceramics made to brighten up every room

Victoria Ceramics, handmade stoneware vasesVictoria Ceramics, handmade stoneware vasesVictoria Ceramics, handmade stoneware mug with glazed in speckled blue and a scalloped handleVictoria Ceramics, handmade stoneware pet bowlsVictoria Ceramics, handmade stoneware vasesVictoria Ceramics, handmade stoneware purple vasevictoria ceramics, handmade stoneware soap dishVictoria Ceramics, handmade stoneware vasesVictoria Ceramics, handmade stoneware mugs and plates
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Who we are

I’m Victoria Gilles, a graphic designer-turned-potter from Buenos Aires, Argentina, now based in Manchester, and I’m the maker behind Victoria Ceramics.

I first experimented with ceramics in 2017 and I completely fell in love with it. Working with clay transported my mind to a better place and changed the way I perceived design as a whole.

All of my work is hand-built. Maybe because I love the variations from one pot to another, even if I try to fix them, every piece stands out for its own peculiarities. I use colour and patterns as a way to highlight form. My inspiration comes from art history, heritage and the need to reconnect with nature and rituals. I’m interested in bringing a bit of my own culture and vision of the world while adding joy to each space.

Contact Victoria Ceramics

Located in Manchester