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UniMaKe Design


Textile creations for a brighter future. Reusable, washable, colourful and recyclable accessories,
home furnishings, kitchen usefuls and gifts.

UniMaKe Design Indoor StallUniMaKe Design Indoor StallUniMaKe Design CushionsUniMaKe Design „Cover Up“ fabric lidsUniMaKe Design fabric basketUniMaKe Design „Cover Up“ fabric lids samplesUniMaKe Design Keyring pouchUniMaKe Design Matchsacks
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Who we are

“Textile creations for a brighter future” Combining fabrics with vibrant prints and bold colours to create reusable, washable, colourful and recyclable accessories, home furnishings, kitchen useful’s and gifts.

My creations are made of 95% cotton fabrics, which I can use across my whole range of products, leaving me with less than 5% offcuts. I also offer free lifelong repairs to reduce wastage. I want my creations to brighten up my customers lives and support them to live a sustainable lifestyle. I use new and reusable fabrics; I also started an up-cycled apron range, from laid off jeans and shorts.

I am a 50+ year old ginger German who is obsessed with fabrics since playing with off cuts under my mums sewing table. I live in Sutton, but create at Wimbledon Art Studios. You will find me at markets in the Surrey and South London area.

Contact UniMaKe Design

Located in Sutton