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Tink and Reu

Romiley, Stockport

Gifts and keepsakes made with gorgeous fabrics and chunky yarns!

Tink and Reu | Fabric DecorationsTink and Reu | Fabric DecorationsTink and Reu | Crochet Flower Nursery BuntingTink and Reu | Crochet Bunny BasketTink and Reu | Crochet BasketTink and Reu | Liberty Star DecorationTink and Reu | Felt Cloud DecorationTink and Reu | Liberty Heart DecorationTink and Reu | Easter Gift Tag
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Who we are

We’re Sarah and Kirsty! Take a look around our world of gorgeous fabrics and chunky yarns! We love to create decorations and keepsakes that can be highly customised to make that perfect gift or mark a special occasion.

All of our products are completely handmade and we take great pride in producing quality items that we hope reflect our love of crochet and sewing.

Contact Tink and Reu

Located in Romiley, Stockport