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Tiger Lilly Resin


Floral Resin Jewellery, made with real flowers grown and dried from my own garden

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Who we are

My names is Laura, I make resin and Polymer clay jewellery, using real flowers that I have dried and grown in my garden in the Staffordshire country side.

I specialise in orchids and exotic flowers and my orchid flowers take up to two weeks to dry before carefully being coated in resin.

I have been growing orchids and various exotic plants for over 20 years, but during lockdown and being furloughed I decided to experiment into ways of preserving these flowers or turning them into jewelry.
I will also be looking into wedding flower preservation over the next year or so.

Find us in the following shops

  • Keep it Local Longton
  • Keep it Local Newcastle-Under-Lyme
  • Keep it Local Potteries Centre Hanley
  • Prikli Pear Lincoln

Contact Tiger Lilly Resin

Located in Stafford