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Wellington, Somerset

Unique makes using wood and polymer clay with recycled finds!

Thimbleville - cute cotton reel and wooden houses and a daisy, handmade giftThimbleville - cute cotton reel and wooden houses and a daisy, handmade giftLittle houses ThimblevilleButton and clay flower gardenClay daisy little things
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Who we are

Hello, I’m Helen from Thimbleville

I love to combine wood, wire and polymer clay to create characterful little sculptures, often with found treasures adding little details.

During my degree course in Wood and Ceramics I developed a love of using the reclaimed alongside the new.
Each piece has a worn, vintage feel, from gathered recycled objects like bobbins, buttons and wooden offcuts. These are delicately painted and decoupaged in muted tones. Hand stamped words of love and encouragement often finish each piece.

I work from a little home studio in Somerset and show my makes at markets and galleries around
the UK. Visit my online Folksy and Etsy shops and explore more of my work on Facebook and Instagram (click the icons below).

Find us in the following shops

Contact Thimbleville

Located in Wellington, Somerset