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The Stoofy Store


“Fun in cheek” art prints and apparel.

The Stoofy Store logoThe Stoofy Store logoA display of three framed Stoofy art prints. One of a lego inspired figurine, one of a rock and roll hand gesture and one of a woman in a biker jacket stating @first w ride, then we whisky" - a suggestion of how to display the art prints in the home.Gold yellow unisex sweatshirt with a black, embroidered illustration of the rock and roll hand gesture, holding a rose and stating "Rock and Roll" with the "Stoofy" logo.Black unisex sweatshirt on a yellow background with a white illustration of a skeleton in a motorbike helmet, holding a lipstick aloft. stating "Lady Biker" with the Stoofy logo.Unisex white tshirt with an illustration of a 1950s style pin up in a face mask and the Stoofy logo, on a yellow background.Unisex white tshirt with an illustration of a woman in a biker jacket with the statement "First We Ride, Then We Whisky" in monochrome.
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Who we are

Stoofy originated as an illustration studio mainly producing greeting cards and bespoke projects. Now it has come into its own and is ready to reach out and share with you lovely people! Original, quirky and “fun in cheek” designs to make you laugh and smile. All artwork available to buy in print – on apparel for your bod, or to stick in a frame on your wall! There are also unique, hand-painted items available that will be limited productions of each design to nab for yourselves that no one else will have! Keep an eye out on the website and at markets as once they’re gone… they’re gone! I look forward to meeting you!

Contact The Stoofy Store

Located in Kent