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That Wild Feeling


Art, jewellery and homeware inspired by the sky, the sea and all of nature in between.

Crystal EarringsCrystal EarringsCrystal BraceletsCrystal Bracelets
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Who we are

That Wild Feeling has come from that sense of calmness, peace and wilderness that nature brings.
I hand make beautiful crystal bead bracelets as well as hand painting celestial and coastal art pieces, homeware and decorations. I love to paint dreamy skies and beautiful seas with watercolour and acrylic paints and am inspired by the sky, the sea and all of nature in between.
To compliment my own pieces I have sourced beautiful items including pieces including some from other small businesses too which I stock in the shop.​
Every item has been inspired by nature in some way, with That Wild Feeling being at the heart of each piece.

Contact That Wild Feeling

Located in Hastings