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Sun and Sky Designs


We create unique, affordable polymer clay jewellery inspired by nature and florals, adding fun and colour to your style with eco-friendly designs.

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Who we are

We’re a handmade polymer clay jewellery business, drawing inspiration from the beauty of nature and florals. Our passion is creating affordable, unique, and playful pieces for everyone!

Hey! I’m Laura, the designer and maker behind Sun & Sky Designs. From my cosy home studio, I craft a range of one-of-a-kind earrings, jewellery, and wall hangings, all made with love from polymer clay. Each design is produced in small batches of 3-6 pairs, with a little help from my British Shorthair cat, Pixel!

I started making earrings in March 2020, during the UK’s lockdown. As a full-time teacher, I found myself teaching online and needed a creative outlet to keep me away from the screen. Polymer clay became my perfect escape, allowing me to craft jewellery to match my outfits and bring my love of nature and florals into each design. I adore working with pastel colours and creating themed pieces for every occasion.

Follow me on Facebook @sunandskydesigns or join me on Instagram @sunandskydesigns for sneak peeks and new collections.

Find us in the following shops

  • Spring Store, Norwich
  • EBella, Whalley
  • Flutter and Fern, Carlisle
  • Modern Muse, Leek
  • Red Brick Market, Liverpool

Contact Sun and Sky Designs

Located in Blackburn