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Sister Sister


Sister Sister take their gorgeous illustrations & turn them into handmade pins, hand-painted ceramics, tea towels, artwork & jigsaw puzzles!

Sarah sorting through Welsh Pins - Sister SisterSarah sorting through Welsh Pins - Sister SisterPhotograph Shows An Opened Jigsaw Puzzle With Pieces On The Table and Cloth Bag With Puzzle Pieces - Jigsaw Designed By Sister Sister And Titled Ssshhh - 1000 Piece Jigsaw PuzzleSister Sister, Hand made Hug Heart PinSister Sister, Practically Perfect in every way Mary Poppins themed 100% Cotton Tea Towel
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Who we are

Hi, I’m Sarah of Sister Sister. I’m an illustrator based in Oswestry, Shropshire (just on the Welsh Borders). I love to draw and paint, I just can’t help myself!

Sister Sister was a brand I formed with my twin sister, Catherine, and even though Catherine is doing her own thing at the moment, she still helps me when I need advice – in fact I still sell her Mary Poppins design on a tea towel and a print!

My designs are described as fun and quirky – I hand make pin badges, hand paint ceramics and design digital art mounted prints, and have now designed and had produced my first ever Jigsaw Puzzle!

I attend craft fairs and sell my products online via my own website, Etsy and Folksy. Check them out below!

Contact Sister Sister

Located in Oswestry