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Sage & Seasalt


Sage & Seasalt creates real beach sand seascape jewellery & gifts using polymer clay, resin and sea glass.

Sage & Seasalt, Seascape Sand JewellerySage & Seasalt, Seascape Sand JewellerySage & Seasalt, My StallSage & Seasalt, Seascape GiftsSage & Seasalt, Ocean Resin GiftsSage & Seasalt, Whale Ocean OrnamentSage & Seasalt, Humpback Whale EarringsSage & Seasalt, Ocean Stripe Earrings
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Who we are

At Sage & Seasalt, the ocean is my inspiration. I create real beach sand seascape jewellery using polymer clay, resin and sea glass. I also create ocean seascape homewares and artwork.

I also preserve wedding and memorial flowers, ashes and inclusions into resin, creating beautiful keepsakes.

Contact Sage & Seasalt

Located in Stowmarket